Thursday, November 8, 2007

Analyzing My MySpace

At first glance I might look like a charactor b/c of my MySpace page. The older generation would call me a "card," which I am. My red and yellow Superman symbol on the top of a jet black background makes it seem as though I am a fan but there is a meaning behind the background and the overall Superman theme of my MySpace. Superman is my nickname for many reasons. All of my friends that are girls call me that, I wonder why? lol j/k It really originated with one of my friends Shelly, my number 4 on MySpace. She was thinking of a nickname and it came to her Superman, this is perfect she told me. This name has stuck for over a year and it has followed me from just her through the football team and all my friends. My music section is pretty short b/c I like almost everything, my favorite being rock. Only the best bands though, you know, The White Stripes, AC/DC and The Stones. My #1 friend the best ever I talked a lot about him in a previous blog. My best friend for 9yrs, an enemy turned friend, the best kind. My blogs on MySpace are that of comedy and truth to me. From Borat to a rant on why you should vote independent. Check em out there great! Blog comments are greatly appreciated and the favor will be returned. Everything from how I am Irish to the fact that I'm single is on my MySpace. I must add that I take great pride in being Irish as well. If you would like to learn more just check out my page.

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