Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My Dad
I can remember sitting on the beach with my dad with nothing but the calm ocean breeze and the sand at our feet, this was the place he loved the most, the place he called home. We would tan in that hot Florida sun with no worries or problems of the real world. We would talk about life and most important thing, sports. Sports were something that he loved, but there was one thing he loved more than life itself and that was his family. My father was nothing short of amazing and if it wasn't for family and the thoughts and prayers of others I don't know how I would get through this difficult time. So I say thank you to all of those who have helped. I love you dad and I will never forget the great times we had on those sunny Florida days.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Research blog
I got a lot of good feedback on my paper from the people who read it. I felt it was well written for a rough draft but I really want to get an interview with someone so my paper really stands out. I think everthing else is set it just needs that extra element in the paper. I have found that Microsoft Works has to be the worst thing to format with in the world. A lot of my paper it finished. I feel I have a great start it just needs something but I can't really say what that is with the exception of the interview. The people who read my paper told me that I had good stats and my intro and conclusion were solid, I just need that interview. The first sentence of the paper really pulls the reader in I think that has to be the best part by far.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Research Blog
My paper is about the causes and effect of childhood obesity. I'm using how if you are obese as a child, how that can lead to problems in adulthood. I started with an intro and then went into the effects first and then I decide to tell the causes. I don't really know if this is an acceptiable order. I also am trying to find a fact that states home many children are obese but every site I go to I get different numbers. The start of my paper is solid so I think it is time to move on the writing my conclusion and tieing everything together. Obesity is a big problem in America so I think that this will be a good paper as far as intrest in the subject goes. I'm trying to get an interview with someone at Foote in the diatary department but it's hard to contact these people. I really want to use the interview for my causes and prevention part the most because the efeccts has a lot of information.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Research Blog
I think I am going to change my topic. Mostly because everyone is doing a job of some kind and I think that even with different jobs it will get really boring real fast for the person who has to grade them. So I'm kind of switching gears, I want to go from the topic of physical therapy to obesity. I will either pick child or adult I don't know which one yet. I want to do some research and see which one has the best info then decide. Obesity is a growing problem especially in the United States so I feel this will be an interesting topic with a lot of good information. I think I want to tell the causes, show the effects and show statistics on things like the percent increase of obese people.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Research Paper
My topic for my report is going to be a carrer in physical therapy. This topic intrests me because after college this is the carrer that I would like to obtain. I knew off the start that I wanted to do something medicaland it should be fairly easy for me to get an interview with someone because my parents both work at Foote hospital. I think my main question for this paper will be what are the big reasons people go into physical therapy. Some of my sub questions will include but are not limited to what is the job outlook like? what are some likes and dislikes people have for this career? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this profession. I pan to use internet sorces like Wiki to help me with statistics and facts for this career. I will most likely get an interview with a Physical Therapist at Foote.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Project Success Day
The first session I went to for project success day was power reading with Ted Miller. I learned a lot about reading that I didn't know before. I never knew that you should read the review section at the end of the section first. I learned that before you read you should ask questions about what you're going to learn and preview the material. He said to just flip through and and look at the sub headings and the headings to get an idea of what you r going to learn. When you get ready to read you need to reflect on what you know about this subject first then you are ready to start reading. There were four techniques you can use to help you while reading to stay focused. One of these was visualize the material, this is where you paint a picture in your head about what you are reading. The second thing you can do is read out loud, this works well especially with complicated material. The third thing was to get a "feel" for the subject this was like imagining what something would feel like. Fourth you need to remember your main goal answer the questions you had in the beginning about the subject. Another important thing Ted Miller brought up was you need to write in your books, he said that a highlighter is the best thing you can have.
The second thing I went to on project success day was the President's speech. I though he did a very good job at speaking. His main goal was to tell us that the world needs us. He talked about how the United States hasn't advanced in education and how places like Korea are advancing fast. His content during the speech was very interesting. I also liked his delivery, it was almost as if he was talking to you one on one verses talking to a large group. I found the speech to be very inspirational. His PowerPoint slide show was great. I liked all of the pictures as he was speaking. He also had pictures off to the side one of a fire going and the other was waves crashing into a beach, these gave a relaxed feel to the situation. He also encouraged us to all get involved with something around campus. This made me want do do something other than just come here for school.

The third and final session I went to was the one by Danniele Cattell. Her session was about learning styles and study skills. I learned that I was a kinesthetic learner and I need to move to learn. She said this type of person is the one who taps his or her pencil on the table. This person will learn best by making a puzzle out of what they are trying to learn like doing flash cards. The other types were auditory and visual learners. Auditory people learn best by hearing things, visual learners have to see it like a PowerPoint or something. One big thing she talked about was peg-boarding which is relating something to an object around you. Like you could relate Jackson to a pencil and if it was on a test you would think of Jackson if you looked at that object. Really what it is associating new information with familiar information. She said that tables and charts most of the time will be seen on a test and if there not the support a main idea that is in the chapter. She said that note taking is important but the styles of note taking vary. Like for me it helps to draw while taking notes to keep me attentive. This is different for every kind of learner.
The second thing I went to on project success day was the President's speech. I though he did a very good job at speaking. His main goal was to tell us that the world needs us. He talked about how the United States hasn't advanced in education and how places like Korea are advancing fast. His content during the speech was very interesting. I also liked his delivery, it was almost as if he was talking to you one on one verses talking to a large group. I found the speech to be very inspirational. His PowerPoint slide show was great. I liked all of the pictures as he was speaking. He also had pictures off to the side one of a fire going and the other was waves crashing into a beach, these gave a relaxed feel to the situation. He also encouraged us to all get involved with something around campus. This made me want do do something other than just come here for school.

The third and final session I went to was the one by Danniele Cattell. Her session was about learning styles and study skills. I learned that I was a kinesthetic learner and I need to move to learn. She said this type of person is the one who taps his or her pencil on the table. This person will learn best by making a puzzle out of what they are trying to learn like doing flash cards. The other types were auditory and visual learners. Auditory people learn best by hearing things, visual learners have to see it like a PowerPoint or something. One big thing she talked about was peg-boarding which is relating something to an object around you. Like you could relate Jackson to a pencil and if it was on a test you would think of Jackson if you looked at that object. Really what it is associating new information with familiar information. She said that tables and charts most of the time will be seen on a test and if there not the support a main idea that is in the chapter. She said that note taking is important but the styles of note taking vary. Like for me it helps to draw while taking notes to keep me attentive. This is different for every kind of learner.
Monday, October 1, 2007
My Gator Champ (College Football)

This was a crazy college football weekend with five of the top ten teams going down in defeat. Unfortunately, my fav. the National Champion Gators were one of those five. It hurts a little more this year, knowing that we were beat at home instead of on the road like last year. The fact is some teams, coaches, and players just have other teams numbers, and just play extremely well against good teams. You just never know who is going to win from week to week. Because of rivalry, players bring their A Game when playing against Divisional teams or in state rivals. The NFL just can't match up to the fans, tailgating, and excitement that college games have for you every week. So, as I try to think positive thoughts after the Gators lost at home I remember this time last year the Gators lost to those Tigers and then went on to run the table the rest of the season. They won the SEC Title, then whipped the Buckeyes to win the National Championship.
My Best Friend
Rich is my best friend and we used to to chill in Jackson, but he moved so I don't have him around anymore and it's is horrible, he's like a brother to me and I've known him for 9 yrs. I can remember a time not long ago where we would play basketball in the street and throw the football around in the back yard. Pretty much his family is my family. I miss all of his family now that they have moved to Florida this includes his mom, dad and yes even his sister. I respect them all for what they have done for me over the years. If it wasn't for my step dad, Richie's dad would be the only dad I ever had (rhyme time). His mom although she is tuff is one of the nicest people I have ever met. As for his sister, we had some really good times together. I can't wait to live buy you guys again when I move to Florida after CMU.
Group 1
At a big city bar in Chicago you can find a large bald man, who looks like a giant, standing with pool stick in hand. What is he waiting for? You might ask yourself. The answer is any competitor who wants to challenge Mad Max. With a bright pink sweatband he waits for someone brave enough to challenge him. He carries around a small notebook and pen, this is where all his victories are kept on record. He carries a powerhouse gym card because when he's not playing pool he's pumping iron in the gym. Right behind his powerhouse gym card he keeps a Rogaine Coupon in hopes that someday he will have hair. He takes a prescription of Prozac three times a day to ease the pain of being bald. At home he reads a large print "how to better yourself" manual. He needs the large print because he cant see without glasses but he wont wear glasses because glasses are for squares. He just recently bought a new leather bound organizer so that he can keep track of all his pool matches.
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