Monday, October 15, 2007

Research Paper

My topic for my report is going to be a carrer in physical therapy. This topic intrests me because after college this is the carrer that I would like to obtain. I knew off the start that I wanted to do something medicaland it should be fairly easy for me to get an interview with someone because my parents both work at Foote hospital. I think my main question for this paper will be what are the big reasons people go into physical therapy. Some of my sub questions will include but are not limited to what is the job outlook like? what are some likes and dislikes people have for this career? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this profession. I pan to use internet sorces like Wiki to help me with statistics and facts for this career. I will most likely get an interview with a Physical Therapist at Foote.


Kelly Johnson said...

not a very used topic, it's nice to get a new view. what exactly is physical therapy. I think it'd be cool if you went to Argyle's since he does deal with some physical therapy. I think you should have a more defined question.

BrittanyO'Rourke20 said...

I am interested in your topic of your research paper because I wanted to go into physical therapy at one point. At my high school we did this thing called CAS, which was an internship program that I was able to do. I internship in the field of physical therapy. I would also like to know what you are focusing your main question on. Some advice would be, you should try to get an intview with someone from Orthopedic Physical Therapy. I did my internship on the one on Robinson Road and they are very great people there. I do feel that you question is focused on your topic.