The second thing I went to on project success day was the President's speech. I though he did a very good job at speaking. His main goal was to tell us that the world needs us. He talked about how the United States hasn't advanced in education and how places like Korea are advancing fast. His content during the speech was very interesting. I also liked his delivery, it was almost as if he was talking to you one on one verses talking to a large group. I found the speech to be very inspirational. His PowerPoint slide show was great. I liked all of the pictures as he was speaking. He also had pictures off to the side one of a fire going and the other was waves crashing into a beach, these gave a relaxed feel to the situation. He also encouraged us to all get involved with something around campus. This made me want do do something other than just come here for school.

The third and final session I went to was the one by Danniele Cattell. Her session was about learning styles and study skills. I learned that I was a kinesthetic learner and I need to move to learn. She said this type of person is the one who taps his or her pencil on the table. This person will learn best by making a puzzle out of what they are trying to learn like doing flash cards. The other types were auditory and visual learners. Auditory people learn best by hearing things, visual learners have to see it like a PowerPoint or something. One big thing she talked about was peg-boarding which is relating something to an object around you. Like you could relate Jackson to a pencil and if it was on a test you would think of Jackson if you looked at that object. Really what it is associating new information with familiar information. She said that tables and charts most of the time will be seen on a test and if there not the support a main idea that is in the chapter. She said that note taking is important but the styles of note taking vary. Like for me it helps to draw while taking notes to keep me attentive. This is different for every kind of learner.
1 comment:
Knowing your learning style is really important as you figure out what makes you study best and what type of classroom environment you learn in.
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