Friday, September 28, 2007

Four Brothers

Four Brothers has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. It is about these adopted kids from all different backrounds that are looking for the person who killed their "mother," the lady who took them in. Throughout the movie they travel through the mean streets of Detroit to try and get back at the people wo did this to them. They storm a party and interupped a basketball game, while picking up clues that will lead them to the real enemy, Victor Sweet.
One of my favorite scenes has to be where the "four brothers" chase down the gunman who shot their mother. This is a high action scene. Eventually the flip the gunman's car over and kill him and his friend when the say that they won't tell him anything. Eventually they get back at Victor by killing him. At the end there is a kind of comical part where the're being questioned about Victor Sweet's death. The interigator says something to the effect of "Where were you on the night of Victor Sweets death?" and all of the brothers say "Sleeping with your wife!" In the end the boys avenge their mother's death and they go back to the home where she had lived all her life. This is a movie for anyone who likes an action film.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Speech 231-Housing Market

I recently did a speech in speech 231 about the mortgage market crises. It was about how lenders won't give people loans because everyone is foreclosing on their homes. The lenders gave people of high risk a loan at a high interest rate and then the people stopped paying their bills. This cycle is out of control. It all started with the housing boom in places like California and Florida. (How ironic is that?) What happened was a large amount of people built homes in these places and then slowly the houses stopped selling. Then people started loosing shop and factory jobs in the "rust belt," this is a term for places in the Midwest where factories are shutting down. When all these people lost their jobs then they couldn't pay there house payments, therefore the bank foreclosed on their homes.
More and more people started getting foreclosure notices in the mail and eventually the lenders who gave out the loans had to start raising rates. This was to pay for all the homes that they were stuck with. When they raised rates more and more people were unable to pay for their homes. Now nobody can get a loan for a home with out a massive down payment so the lenders are stuck with the homes and are going bankrupt. This is really a vicious cycle but, this are projected to get better soon.

Monday, September 24, 2007

This I Believe....

OK... So I thought my "This I believe paper was a decent draft" but when my group and I started peer editing I realized that mine sucked! I know my thesis was clear but I think I need to get some more info to back it up. I liked a couple main things about my paper one being it was about football the other I used Payton Manning as an example. I thought this was someone who everyone knew, so they could relate even if they didn't know much about football. I think I'm doing some things well, like I tryed to work on my transitions to different paragraphs. I'm eally conserned about my topic for the paper. Like is this something good to use for this type of paper. Others used strong personal experiences. I wondered if I should switch directions and use something like "I believe alcoholisum can tear a famil apart," because I have a lot of experience with that only it would be to long.
I want to hit the post like Dave says but, I want a 4pt topic not a 1pt if this ones bad. I really am going to add a lot of the big "D," description in my paper because I feel that description was a big thing I was lacking. I want to add a lot more with D.R.A.P.E.S. too because with this topic I think I could throw in some stats and examples, maybe even a personal experience from when I played football.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why hockey sucks! lol J/P

11. Anything that Canadians are good at can't be worthwhile.

10. There are few black players.

9. True fast breaks are illegal.

8. Squashing an oppontent against a wall by plowing into him at 50 miles per hour is legal, but if you touch him with your hockey stick in an improper manner, it's a foul.

7. All that frenetic nonstop action yielding scores like: 1-0, 2-0, or 3-1.

6. The equipment is too cumbersome to allow for pantomime moonings.

5. The phrase "put the biscuit in the basket" is gay.

4. Penalty box? Deprivation of civil liberties without due process.

3. People with French surnames are allowed to play.

2. The game was invented for the sole benefit of white guys with 4-inch vertical leaps.

1. One word: "mullets".

Football cont.

OK.... So hockey is a good sport but it doesn't compare to football. Maybe back in the day, but not with these new rules about not hitting the person without the puck. In football you can hit any player at almost any time. With the exception of the pass interference call, and some small rules like hitting the punter/kicker. Most Americans stopped watching hockey after the lock out, it made the NHL look like a joke. This also caused a trickle effect to the rest of hockey. If you have all of the best players from one sport nearly quit over rules and money then the people lose respect for the sport. Sure you have the occasional person that has a hold out for money in football but if one person does it the whole NFL won't "lock out." Just goes to show the charactor of the NHL's hockey players.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The greatest sport of all time has to be football. It's high intensity, high in contact, and popular with Americans. The sounds of people slamming into each other and the crowd cheering is a great thing to hear if you are in the stands or on the field. Any sport that can produce great athletes like Joe Montana and Walter Payton has to be one of the best. Football teaches everyone who plays it the value of a team and hard work. This is a character building sport, for everyone who is involved. Young boys grow into men while playing football. This is America's favorite sport, more people watch this sport than all other sports combined. This is true for 50% of men and 36% of women. According to polls this makes football 3 times as popular as any other sport. This just further proves that football is the greatest sport of all time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Writing Process

During the course of this class I have found it helpful to write in complete silence. I can't have anything around me when I am bloggig or writing a paper, this means no T.V., no radio, and deff. no MySpace. It's those little destractions that make me forget what I was trying to write about. It also helps me if I write with a lot of things I can play with while I sit and think about what I can write. I think pre-writing would help me a lot, this is something that I didn't do before. I didn't help that every time I went to write people would bother me or try and get me to hang out.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Final Draft

I recently started working on revising my rough draft. I feel that the opening was very well written but I could work on the transitions between paragraph's. I want to thank the people that were in my group for peer editing my paper because I got a lot of good feedback on my paper. I think your opinions and ideas might help me do well. Every teacher has a different style to there grading I just hope Dave's grading style and my writing style "click." I have been using the pages discussed in class a lot for my paper. It's funny how, when you actually read the book, how much it can help you in your writing.

I have been learning a lot about my personal way of writing. That brain dump thing we used really helps me. I think mu personal writing process is a mixture of everything. I like to write all my ideas on a scrap piece of paper and then connect them all with the bubbles. I also have notices that when I write it helps a lot to take a step back and think about what was just written. Sometimes it helps me catch those mistakes before I write more. I think it increases my accuracy when writing and prevents mistakes.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Greatest Fear

My greatest fear is one that is common to many people. I have the fear of failure. This may not be obvious because of my high self confidence. I feel like I always am looking over my shoulder thinking about some way that I'm going to mess things up in my life, whether it be in college or at work. In college I think I'm going to mess up a test and then not be able to get the job I want in life. In work I don't want to mess up b/c if I do then I lose my job and then I won't be able to pay for college. The fear of failure, oh what a wonderful thing! I think this fear also motivates me to do better. It makes me more prepared for things and more aware of what is going on in my life.

I also fear rejection. I don't want people to think of me as not good enough for them, or for them to turn away completely. Sometimes I wonder what others are thinking of me. I try not to show it worries me but at the same time it does. I don't understand this one thing. How can someone be so confident but self conscious at the same time?